Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tashie Gordon


1920's                                                     Now

Clothing now a days is a lot more bold and colorful than clothing in the 1920's. Also a lot more revealing now a days. That is not shown in the picture above but in an everyday atmosphere you will find more and more revealing clothing items.


1920's                                                     Now

Technology in the 1920's was very little but was on an up-rise. There were phones but land lines and dinosaur phones. Now technology has advanced a lot and we now have portable devices that work within any range and does many things that you wouldn't even imagine, also know as "smart phones."


1920's                                                 Now
Eating a home cooked meal with your family around the dinner table was a common thing back in the 1920's, but now more and more families don't cook instead they go the quick and easy way by dining out and or eating fast food.


 Freedom of practice, is a HUGE thing in history. Back in the 1920's some expressed themselves by practicing hate towards a cretin ethnic group or different groups of people. In today's time period people practice expressing themselves by dancing and music as a sort of ritual.


Language now is similar to what it was back them. As in there were always different ways different people said certain things. Just depending on where you are from is how you intemperate something someone says or does. The English language has changed over time and will continue to change as time goes on.

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